Our moto is to share our life to you by putting it into beautiful words. Explain you the real science of our body.
This is not just merely about medicine, it’s about us trying honestly to compile our experiences in this field all the way from the beginning as immortal moments in the world wide web .
Medicine always at a level of complexity, which also makes it awesome and never fails to surprise, tantalize and wonder us as we walk through it .
Making in the process, here we are looking over the free time to add up medical terms, facts, problems, news, diseases with the moments and our life maximally as possible even though difficult, making it more alive by sharing our experiences. And yeah, without dropping the fun.
They say, sharing is caring. So do we.
The site made with Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
Every big change starts with a small thought, that’s how this website began. A small thought of writing about life of Medicos, Doctors, their daily routines, day to day to problems, awkward moments, came to my mind. Suddenly, I called my good friend and told her about my thought and idea on writing. Aksed her opinion to become a co-Author to my small thought. My fortunate, she accepted my idea with delighted response to it. Within a span of time we ended up with a beautiful website which serves our moto.